Guinea pigs are very clean animals and they do not like to be wet. In fact, they are very sensitive creatures, and even a small change in their environment can cause them stress. So, keeping that in mind, you may be concerned about your guinea pig getting wet.
In this article, you will know about the causes of your guinea pigs getting wet. Also, learn what happens if they are wet and what to do about that.
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Can guinea pigs get wet?
Guinea pigs can get wet only when you give them a bath. However, they shouldn’t bathe unless it’s necessary. In fact, they shouldn’t get wet without a bath time because they are susceptible to colds, respiratory illnesses, and health issues.
Why is your guinea pig wet?
There are several possible causes of a guinea pig getting wet. Let’s take a look.
Wet bedding material
Guinea pigs may become wet if they are sleeping in wet bedding material. Guinea pig’s bedding can get wet due to excessive peeing, water spillage, leaking water bottles, wet food, or guinea pigs lying on a wet area.
Playing in a water bowl
Some guinea pigs enjoy taking “dips” in their water dishes and then shaking themselves dry.
They may also get wet while bathing in their water dish or if they play in a water bowl.
Another cause is that the guinea pig has been cleaning itself and has gotten water on its fur.
Playing outside with water
If they are playing outside and get too close to a body of water, they could fall in and get wet.
A Guinea pig may be playing in the water or has been in a place where it has gotten wet, such as in the rain.
Exposed to rain or dew
If they live in an outdoor hutch, they may be exposed to rain, snow, or dew. However, if you take care of your little piggies it may not happen at all.
Spraying them with water
If you are spraying them with water, they might get wet accidentally. While using a spray bottle to clean their cage, they could get splashed and end up wet.
Water bottle leakage
If the water bottle leaks, it could make their fur wet. A water bottle may leak if you use a poor-quality bottle. Sometimes you may not secure it in the cage properly and that leads to slippage of water on the floor.
Know about the causes of water bottle leakage.
Guinea pig not using the litter box
If your guinea pig isn’t litter trained and if he isn’t using the litter box, the cage may get wet when they poo and pee.
Wet litter box
If the litter in their cage gets too wet and becomes muddy, they could get their feet and fur wet. This occurs when the litter is not replaced often enough and conditions become unsanitary.
Guinea pigs groom themselves by licking their fur. This can make them wet if they are licking an area that is wet.
Medical conditions
There are some medical conditions that can make a guinea pig wet. One example is diabetes mellitus, which can make them drink more water and urinate more often. This can make their fur wet if they are not able to control their urination.
Another health condition is called hypothermia, which is when the guinea pig’s body temperature drops below normal. This can make them feel wet as their fur gets damp from the cold weather.
Another medical condition is diarrhea or urinary tract infection which can make guinea pigs wet.
Moreover, if you notice they have a wet face, it may be because of slobbering or malocclusion.
In addition, if you find their eyes are wet, it may result from an eye infection or allergy.
Why shouldn’t guinea pigs get wet?
Guinea pigs shouldn’t get wet because they are susceptible to a number of health problems if they get wet.
The first is that they can develop hypothermia, which occurs when the body’s temperature drops below normal. They are particularly vulnerable to this because they have very little body fat.
Moreover, guinea pigs have very dense fur that does not allow water to evaporate quickly.
Another problem is that guinea pigs can develop skin irritation and fungal infections if they are constantly wet. Their fur traps moisture against the skin, which provides an ideal environment for fungus to grow.
Guinea pigs can also develop respiratory problems if they are constantly wet. This is because their lungs are designed for dry air, and the moisture in their lungs can make it difficult for them to breathe.
Moreover, wet fur makes it difficult for guinea pigs to regulate their body temperature. When they get wet, their body temperature drops quickly and they can easily become ill.
Besides, their fur takes a long time to dry, so they can remain wet for a long time.
For all these reasons, it is important to make sure that your guinea pig is not wet.
What happens if a guinea pig gets wet?
Here are the 10 effects of guinea pigs getting wet.
May get a cold
They may get a cold if they catch a chill from getting wet. This is especially true if they are wet for a long time or if the temperature is cold.
May get hypothermia
They may get hypothermia if they are wet for an extended period of time and their body temperature drops too low.
May have respiratory problems
Wet fur can make guinea pigs more susceptible to respiratory infections. The respiratory system – which includes the nose, throat, and lungs – can be affected by getting wet. This is because the lungs can fill with water, which can lead to respiratory problems.
May have skin problems
They could develop a skin infection if they are wet for too long. The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it can be easily irritated by getting wet.
This can lead to skin problems such as rashes, dermatitis, and even fungal infections.
They could develop a fungal infection if the water is dirty or stagnant and has been sitting in the same spot for too long.
Moreover, if they come in contact with soap and detergents, it will lead to irritation and other skin problems easily.
Develop mites or fleas
They could develop mites or lice if they are wet and their skin has been exposed to moisture.
Wet fur can attract flies, which can lay eggs in damp conditions and cause myiasis (fly larva infestation).
Wet fur can also attract other parasites, such as fleas and ticks.
May be more susceptible to stress
Stress is a common reaction to getting wet. This is because the guinea pig may feel uncomfortable and anxious.
Matter and tangled fur
Their fur may become matted and tangled if they are wet for too long. This can be painful for guinea pigs.
May get pneumonia
Pneumonia is a common illness that can happen if the guinea pig gets wet. This is especially likely to occur when they get a cold at the same time as getting wet.
May get an ear infection
An ear infection is another common illness that can be caused by getting wet. This is because the ear is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, and can be easily irritated.
They could develop an ear infection if water gets into their ears while they are wet.
May get an eye infection
Similar to the ear, the eye is also a sensitive area that can be easily irritated. Therefore, getting wet can also lead to an eye infection.
May have a weak immune system
When your guinea pig gets wet, its immune system can be compromised. This means that they are more likely to get sick.
Digestive problem
If the water is dirty, they may become sick from drinking it. Guinea pigs may ingest harmful bacteria if they groom themselves while their fur is wet.
May have a decreased appetite
When guinea pigs get wet, they may not feel like eating. This can lead to a decrease in appetite and weight loss.
Infected wound
If they are wet and have open wounds, they could become infected.
Maybe life-threatening
In extreme cases, guinea pigs may die from getting wet. This can happen if their illness is not treated quickly or if they are exposed to the water for a long time.
Make the cage messy and unclean
If the guinea pigs get wet, it’s obvious that the cage and surroundings will get messy and unclean.
It will also produce a bad smell in the cage and from the bedding.
What to do if your guinea pig gets wet?
Guinea pigs are notorious for being afraid of water, and for good reason. They are naturally dry animals, and their fur does not do well when it gets wet. If your guinea pig accidentally gets wet, there are a few things you can do to help them out.
1. Take the guinea pig out of the wet surface
The first thing you should do is take your guinea pig out of the wet surface or the water.
2. Dry them off with a towel
The most important thing to do after getting a guinea pig wet is important to dry him off as soon as possible with a soft towel.
You will need to give them a thorough drying off with a towel gently and carefully.
If they are wet and dirty, you need to clean them properly.
It is also important to avoid using soap or detergent on the guinea pig’s fur, as this may cause irritation.
3. Provide them food and water
In addition, give the guinea pig warm water to drink and make sure they have access to fresh water at all times.
You may also want to consider giving them a vitamin C supplement, as guinea pigs are prone to developing respiratory infections after getting wet.
4. Clean and dry the cage and bedding
Next, if their cage is wet, you will need to clean it out and replace any bedding that has been soaked.
5. Keep them in a dry and warm place
Then, you should put them in a dry and warm place to prevent hypothermia.
Besides, keep the guinea pig out of the wet weather as much as possible.
6. Check for the sign of hypothermia
You should also keep an eye on your guinea pig over the next few hours, as wet guinea pigs are at risk of developing hypothermia.
Check for signs of hypothermia, including shivering and lethargy, and treat immediately if you see any.
7. Monitor them for signs of other health problems
When they get wet, they have also a risk of developing various health problems. So, it’s important to monitor them.
Keep an eye out for signs of skin irritation or fungal infection, and contact your vet immediately if you notice any.
Avoid handling the guinea pig too much, as this could irritate their skin and make them uncomfortable.
Be especially careful around open wounds or other areas where the skin is broken, as guinea pigs can be prone to infection in these areas.
8. Contact a vet
Consult your vet if you have any concerns about the health of your guinea pig, as they will be able to recommend treatments or further action.
With proper care and attention, your guinea pig should be able to recover from being wet and go back to living a healthy and happy life.
How do you dry a wet guinea pig?
If your guinea pig gets wet, it’s important to dry them off as soon as possible. Wet guinea pigs are at risk of developing hypothermia, and respiratory and other health problems, so it’s important to act quickly.
The best way to dry a wet guinea pig is to use a towel.
Here is the step for drying your guinea pigs.
1. Remove the guinea pig from the water
First of all, you have to remove your guinea pig from the source of water or wet surface.
2. Gently towel dry the guinea pig
Gently lift your guinea pig. Then, you have to carefully rub and soak him with a soft and dry towel. But, be careful not to rub too hard, as this can damage their delicate skin.
3. Wrap with the towel
Then, wrap him in a soft, dry towel. Make sure to cover their head and body,
4. Put the guinea pig in a warm, dry place until it is fully dry
Once they’re wrapped up in the towel, place them in a warm, dry location and let them air dry for a few minutes.
Give it some food and water. If the guinea pig is shivering, you can also cover it with a blanket. Serve the guinea pig warm water to drink if it is dehydrated.
With a little care and attention, your guinea pig will soon be back to its happy, healthy self.
5. Put the guinea pig back in their cage
Once your guinea pig is dry, put him back in the cage.
6. Monitor the guinea pig for signs of illness
Finally, monitor them for signs of stress or illness. Wet guinea pigs are at risk of developing a number of health problems, so it’s important to keep an eye on them.
You can then use a hairdryer on the lowest setting to help speed up the drying process. Just be sure not to hold the blow dryer too close to your guinea pig, as this could hurt them.
However, it’s not recommended to use a hairdryer on them. This is because hot air is very uncomfortable for them and it may burn them as well. Moreover, they get scared when they hear the noise of a hairdryer. This is so stressful for them.
How do you keep your guinea pig cage dry?
Let’s take a look at some tips to keep your guinea pig cage dry.
1. Keep your guinea pig cage in a dry place
First of all, make sure that the guinea pig’s cage is placed in a clean and dry place. It should be not in a room that’s hard to keep dry.
In order to keep your guinea pig cage dry, you should line the bottom of the cage with absorbent material such as newspaper or towels.
2. Use proper bedding material
You must put bedding for your guinea pig’s cage. Moreover, you have to make sure that you right bedding material that controls moisture well.
Check out the best bedding materials such as fleece, paper, and wood bedding.
3. Place absorbent material at the bottom of the cage
You should also avoid putting the guinea pig cage in an area where it will be exposed to direct sunlight or heat, as this can cause the cage to become damp.
Check out the best absorbent materials for the piggies.
4. Keep the temperature in the room warm
You have to maintain the room temperate and favorable for your little piggies, especially in winter.
If you live in a humid climate, you may need to use a dehumidifier in the room where the guinea pig cage is located. However, you should take extra precautions for that to keep them safe.
5. Put a water bottle properly
You should use a water bottle instead of a water bowl to keep the cage dry. In addition, place the water bottle on the cage properly so that it can’t cause any drip.
Moreover, make sure you use a leakproof water bottle for them.
6. Check the water bottle regularly and refill it as needed
Even if you use a good quality water bottle, you should check the bottle regularly to find out any leaks or check if the water doesn’t spill from the bottle.
7. Increase the ventilation in the room
You should increase the ventilation in the room. You can do this by opening the windows or using a fan. This will help reduce the moisture.
8. Use a litter box
If you want to keep your guinea pig cage clean and dry, you should use a litter box. Moreover, you have to choose the right litter for your guinea pigs.
There are many types of litter available in the market, but you should use natural and biodegradable litter such as wood pellet or paper-based litter.
9. Cover the cage with a waterproof cover
If your guinea pig stays outdoor, make sure you put a waterproof cover on the hutch. However, it’s better if you keep the guinea pig indoors.
10. Keep your guinea pigs inside during wet weather
Guinea pigs should also be kept out of the wet weather as much as possible to prevent health problems. So, if your guinea pig stays outside your home, you must keep them inside in winter or wet weather.
11. Give them a bath only when necessary
Guinea pigs don’t like water and they get stressed out when bathed. Besides, they are sensitive to cold. So, you should only give them a bath when it’s absolutely necessary.
12. Dry your guinea pig thoroughly after a bath
If you have to give your guinea pig a bath, make sure you dry them thoroughly afterward. Guinea pigs can get cold very easily and this can lead to health problems.
13. Keep the cage clean and dry
You should clean the cage regularly and make sure it’s dry before putting your guinea pigs back in. A dirty and wet cage can cause health problems for your guinea pigs.
You should clean the guinea pig cage at least once a week. Moreover, you have to make sure that you clean the cage thoroughly.
14. Regular health check-ups
Monitor your guinea pig for signs of illness and contact a veterinarian if necessary. If your guinea pig is wet and cold, seek veterinary help immediately!
Why does your guinea pig cage always wet?
A guinea pig’s cage can become wet for a number of reasons. One possibility is that you may be using bedding that’s not absorbing the moisture properly. Another possibility is that the guinea pig is urinating more often because of a health issue.
Another potential cause is the guinea pig is not getting enough water and is drinking more to make up for it.
It may also be wet all time as a result of the above causes.
Why is my guinea pig’s face wet?
If your guinea pig’s face is getting wet, it may be due to a condition called slobbering that’s caused by a malocclusion. Their fur around the neck, chin, and jaw always remains wet in this condition. They may have other symptoms in this condition including abscesses from infected teeth, pawing at their mouth, a loss of appetite and weight, and blood in their mouth.
What to do if a guinea pig’s face gets wet?
If your guinea pig’s face is wet always, it may be caused by slobbering and you should consult a vet to treat the condition.
Why does your guinea pig have wet eyes?
Your guinea pigs may have wet eyes because of bacterial or viral eye infection (conjunctivitis), and allergy. They may also have soreness and red-eye in this condition.
What to do if a guinea pig has wet eyes?
If there is a discharge from your guinea pig’s eyes and they are always wet, you need to take him to the vet to treat the condition.
Why is your guinea pig’s bottom wet?
Guinea pigs often sit in their own urine and feces, which can make their bottom wet. However, sometimes, their bottoms may get wet constantly if they have urinary tract infections or diarrhea.
What to do if your guinea pig’s bottom is wet?
If you notice that your guinea pig’s bottom is wet, you should clean them off with a wet cloth and dry them thoroughly. Additionally, you should consult your vet to determine if there is an underlying health condition that might be causing the guinea pig to get wet.
What to do if your guinea pig cage is always wet?
A wet cage can create a number of problems for your guinea pig, including fungal infections, skin irritation, and respiratory problems.
If you find that your guinea pig cage is always wet, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem.
First, check the bedding material you are using and make sure it is absorbent.
Second, identify any areas where water might be leaking into the cage and seal them off.
Finally, increase the ventilation in the cage to help reduce moisture levels.
By taking these steps, you can help to keep your guinea pig healthy and dry.
If the guinea pig cage is always wet, it is important to take the animal to a veterinarian to rule out any medical problems.
In addition, make sure to provide plenty of fresh water and clean the cage regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria.
Why is your guinea pig’s bedding wet?
There are several reasons why guinea pig bedding might be wet.
The most possible cause is using poor quality bedding. The bedding may be not controlling the moisture.
You may also be not using an absorbent layer under the bedding.
One possibility is that the guinea pig cage is too small and there is not enough room for the guinea pig to move around without getting its bedding wet.
Another potential cause is that you may not have litter trained your guinea pigs or they might not be using a litter.
Another possibility is that the guinea pig has a health condition that causes it to urinate more frequently, such as a urinary tract infection.
If it’s not for the above cause, try to find out the other causes such as leaking water bottles, wet litter, and causes that I have explained above.
Whatever the cause of your guinea pig getting wet, it’s important to take action as soon as possible in order to prevent any further health problems for your pet.
What to do if your guinea pig’s bedding is wet?
If you notice that a guinea pig’s bedding is wet, the first thing you should do is remove any wet bedding and replace it with fresh, dry bedding.
Add some extra-absorbent materials (such as shredded paper or newspaper) to help soak up any urine that remains on the bottom of the cage.
Additionally, you should consult your vet to determine if there is an underlying health condition that might be causing the guinea pig to get wet.
In addition, it is important to ensure that the guinea pig cage is large enough and has adequate ventilation to prevent the bedding from getting wet.
Guinea pigs are susceptible to respiratory infections if their bedding gets wet, so it’s important to take care of the problem as soon as possible.
In the meantime, make sure to keep an eye on your guinea pig and provide it with the best possible care.
How do you keep your guinea pig bedding dry?
There are a few things you can do to help keep your guinea pig’s bedding dry:
- Place the guinea pig cage in a well-ventilated area.
- Use the right bedding material that controls moisture well such as fleece, wood pellets, and natural paper bedding.
- Put a good quality absorbent material under the bedding.
- Use a litter pan or litter box and litter train your guinea pigs.
- Use a water bottle for them and position it properly on the cage.
- Increase the cage size if it’s too small or gets an extra-large cage.
- Take your guinea pigs to the vet regularly to check for any health conditions that might cause
- Make sure the cage is not placed directly next to a heat source, as this can cause the bedding to become too warm and humid.
- Use a fan to circulate the air around the cage. But, be careful so that they don’t catch a cold.
- If you live in a humid climate, consider using a dehumidifier in the room to regular the humidity.
Guinea pigs are very sensitive creatures, and even a small change in their environment can cause them stress and health issues.
Guinea pigs are susceptible to cold stress and can develop hypothermia if they are not dried off and warmed up quickly.
If a guinea pig gets wet for a long time, it can cause hypothermia, respiratory illnesses, skin problems, and others.
In general, guinea pigs should be kept in a dry environment to prevent health issues.
If your guinea pig is wet, you should take steps to dry them off and ensure that they do not become chilled.
FAQ about guinea pig getting wet
Can guinea pigs get sick from being wet?
Guinea pigs can get sick after getting wet, as they are sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity changes. They may develop hypothermia, respiratory problems, skin infection, and other health problems after being wet.
Are guinea pigs okay in the rain?
Guinea pigs are sensitive to extreme temperature and water. Getting wet in the rain can cause hypothermia, chills, respiratory problem, and other medical conditions. So, you should protect the guinea pig from rain.
Are guinea pigs’ noses supposed to be wet?
Normally, a guinea pig’s nose doesn’t remain wet. However, if it’s wet and there is a discharge, it may be a sign of an illness such as a runny nose or cold.
What causes wet tails in guinea pigs?
Usually, guinea pigs don’t have a wet tail like a hamster. But, if you see a guinea pig has a wet tail, it may be due to diarrhea. Another cause can be cystitis. Contact a vet if you notice this condition and treat the condition.

I am Pallab Kishore, owner of Little Pets Realm. I share important tips, advice and answer all the queries to solve various problems about small pets such as guinea pigs and hamsters on this website.