If you want to build a multi-level cage and want your guinea pig to run through all the levels of the cage, you may plan to place a ramp. But, can guinea pigs use ramps?
Guinea pigs can walk on a ramp if they can get a grip on the surface and it isn’t too steep because they aren’t very excellent climbers. The ideal technique to help your guinea pigs get up and down is to use a low-inclined, sturdy ramp, especially if you’re building a two-level cage or want them to pass through the cage separator.
But, how to make a good ramp for your piggies, and what precautions you should take?
Let’s find it out.
Table of Contents
Are ramps good for guinea pigs?

Steep ramps are dangerous for guinea pigs since their bodies are incapable of vertical movement or climbing. However, a properly constructed flat ramp will be suitable for guinea pigs. They appreciate revealing more portions of their enclosure with the help of a decent ramp. However, many guinea pigs are hesitant to use the ramp initially, but they get used to it over time.
When do guinea pigs need a ramp in the cage?
Here are the situations you may decide to put a ramp in your guinea pig’s cage.
In between cage separator
When a cage is separated by a partition for 2 or more guinea pigs, you may need to put a ramp over the partition. This helps the guinea pigs visit the neighbors.
For multi-level cage
You can build a floor in one corner of a guinea pig’s cage. In that case, a ramp is needed to allow your guinea pigs to go up to that floor.
If you build a stacked multi-story cage for multiple guinea pigs, a ramp may be needed. This will help them roam around all the levels.
Check out how to plan a multi-level guinea pig cage.
Having two guinea pigs
When you have two guinea pigs, you make have a cage with a partition or multi-level cage. Moreover, guinea pigs are social animals.
So, you need the ramp so that they can visit their friend when they want.
Also, check out the best cages for two guinea pigs.
Help them exercise
If you want to help your little pigs exercise and prevent gaining weight, the ramp can work great as an exercise item for them.
For agility or as an obstacle course
You can use the ramp for your little pigs to use that for their agility or as an obstacle course.
Check out the obstacle course ideas.
Why won’t my guinea pig use the ramp?
Most guinea pigs don’t start using the ramps in the initial days as they can’t climb that much. Their anatomy of body and nature prevents them from using the ramps. Besides, if the ramps shake while walking or the veggies aren’t so close together and prevent the piggies from griping, they won’t use the ramp.
Here are the possible reasons for guinea pigs not using the ramps.
Too steep ramp
Guinea pigs can’t climb or jump more than 12 inches. So, they may become afraid of height or may not be interested in walking through a more inclined surface.
Veggies are far apart from each other
If you use a wooden ramp and veggies aren’t close together, guinea pigs can’t grip the surface.
Non-grippy surface
If you don’t use proper carpet or ramp cover on the surface of ramps, your guinea pigs won’t able to grip the surface because their feet are so soft.
Unstable ramps
If the ramp shakes when they walk, guinea pigs will be afraid. They need more steady footing.
How steep can a guinea pig ramp be?
The guinea pig cage ramp should be between 20 and 40 degrees steep. A more slanted ramp will not be used by Guinea pigs. As a result, ensure that you utilize a long ramp with a low angle so that they can use it without difficulty.
It’s natural for a modest inclined ramp to be lengthened to reach the top level if you use it.
How wide should a guinea pig ramp be?
Experts recommend making a ramp that is at least 14 inches long and 6 inches wide. If at all possible, build the ramp as wide as possible so that your guinea pigs can navigate it without difficulty. They won’t fall off the ramp because of it.
How do you put a ramp on the cage for guinea pigs?
Here is the step-by-step guide to building a ramp for a guinea pig’s cage.
1. Choose a good material for the ramps.
You have to use natural materials that are safe for your guinea pigs. You can make the main structure of the ramp with wood, plastic, or wire mesh that’s used to build the wall of the cage. Make sure the material is strong enough to withstand the weight of your guinea pigs.
You can have this coroplast sheet to make it.
The wooden ramp is used in a wooden cage. But, make sure it’s odorless.
You can also buy a ready-made ramp for the cage that’s easy to set up.
2. Do the measurements.
Measure the ramp properly. It should not be more than 24-40 degrees steep to help your guinea pigs use the ramp. Try to make it flat as much as possible.
If the height of the top level is 14 inches, the length of the ramps should be at least 26 inches. The ramp should be at least 14 inches wide.
3. Make the ramp and place it.
After all the measurements are completed, buy or make the ramp according to it and place it in the cage perfectly. If you are using similar c&c cage grids, use the lock to fix the ramp with the top level.
4. Create side skirting.
Use coroplast or something to make the wall for the ramp to prevent your little piggies from falling down or feeling secure while climbing the ramp.
5. Cover the surface of the ramp.
Use coroplast, soft cotton cloths, or a small towel to cover the ramp to help them walk without hurting their soft and sensitive feet. If you use mesh wire to build the ramp, you can let the grid open.
Covering up the ramp also helps them make a grip on the surface. Guinea pigs can’t access the ramp if it’s slippery. You can get a perfect ramp cover online.
6. Make ramps and surrounding structure smooth.
After everything is done check if there is any rough surface on the ramps. Cover it nicely or make it smooth.
If you use a door for the upper level, also check for the rough or metal edges of the door. Trim them and make the structure smooth.
How to make a DIY ramp for guinea pigs at home?
If you don’t want to put a premade ramp inside the guinea pig’s cage, you can make it on your own. To do that, you can use cardboard boxes, wire grids, PVC pine, or coroplast sheets.
Let’s find out how to make them
How to make a ramp with C&C cage grids?
To make a ramp out of C&C cage grids, you’ll need to cut the grids down to size and then use connectors and cable ties to attach them to the cage structure.
However, you need to ensure that it’s covered with soft and grippy stuff.
To make a ramp out of wire grids, you’ll have to do the followings.
You’ll need
- C&C cage grids
- Connectors
- Cable ties
- Wire-cutter or sharp knife
- A file
- Soft and grippy material like a towel
1. Place the wire grids on top of each other.
2. Cut the grids down to size with a wire cutter or sarp knife, if necessary.
3. Use connectors and cable ties to attach the grids together.
4. Use the file to smoothen the surface of the wire grid.
5. Put a towel over the ramp so that your guinea pig can grip it easily.
6. Place the ramp in your guinea pig’s cage and let them have fun!
How to make a ramp with coroplast sheets?
To make a ramp with coroplast sheets, you’ll have to do the followings.
You’ll need
- Coroplast sheets
- Tape
- Scissors
1) Cut the coroplast sheets into manageable pieces.
2) Tape the pieces together to form a ramp.
3) Place the ramp in your guinea pig’s cage.
4) You can also use the ramp to create an obstacle course for your guinea pig.
5) Just be sure to cover the ramp with a soft material like a towel so that your guinea pig can grip it properly.
How to make a ramp out of a cardboard box?
You can simply use a cardboard box to make a ramp for your little piggies.
You’ll need
-A cardboard box
1. Cut the top and bottom off of the cardboard box.
2. Cut one side of the box so that it forms a ramp.
3. Cover the ramp with tape or glue to make it more sturdy.
4. Place the ramp in your guinea pig’s cage.
5. You can also use the ramp to create an obstacle course for your guinea pig.
6. Just be sure to supervise them so that they don’t get stuck or hurt.
How to make a ramp with PVC pipes?
To make a ramp out of PVC pipes, glue or tape the pipes together so that they form a ramp.
You’ll need:
-PVC pipes
-Glue or tape
1. Cut the PVC pipes into pieces that will form the ramp.
2. Glue or tape the pieces together to form a ramp.
3. Cover the ramp with soft and grippy materials such as a towel.
How to make the ramp safe for guinea pigs?
To make the ramp safe for guinea pigs, you should take the following precautions.
Make sure the ramp is less inclined.
The angle between the ramp and the floor should be flat enough to encourage your guinea pigs to use it safely. They can fall down from a steep ramp and hurt themselves.
Ensure the ramp is wider enough.
If the ramp isn’t wide enough, your little piggies will fall down or will hesitate to use it. So, it should be wider enough.
The ramp must be steady.
If your guinea pigs find that the ramp moves or shakes while walking, they will be afraid and won’t use it in the future. So, be aware of it.
Build a wall or tunnel around the ramp.
The ramp should have a wall, railing, or tunnel on the side. This prevents the piggies from falling down.
The surface should not be irregular and rough.
Put ramp covers or soft cloths to make the surface smooth and comfortable for your guinea pigs, since their feet are so sensitive.
Furthermore, exposed mesh wire of the ramp can be harmful to them. The rough and hard surface can cause bumblefoot and other health issues.
Veggies shouldn’t be far away from each other.
If the ramp has veggies, you should ensure that they are close together. This can be a cause issue in the case of a wooden ramp though it’s not good.
Help to grip the surface.
Put a good cover on the ramp surface to allow your little piggies to make a proper grip.
Use natural material to build the ramp.
Choose natural or good materials that are safe for guinea pigs to build the ramp.
Smoothen any rough edge of the structure.
Sometimes, owners use a door on the top of the ramp. Make sure that you smoothen any sharp edges of the door to prevent them from hurting your little piggies.
Make sure the ramp doesn’t block the open space.
Guinea pigs need a lot of open space where air can flow freely. So, ensure that a ramp doesn’t block the space.
How do you get a guinea pig to use the ramp?
Now, you know your guinea pigs can use the ramps. But, they may not start doing it on their own. So, How to teach your guinea pig to use a ramp?
If you use a ramp that’s almost flat and encourage them to use the ramp by putting their hay or favorite stuff on the surface, they will start using the ramp.
Some piggies will learn it quickly and others will take time. But never force them to do that fast. This will stress them out and change their habits and mood.
Here are the ways how you get your guinea pig to go up a ramp.
1. Check if the steepness is low
As guinea pigs are bad climbers, find out if the angle between ramps and floor is high. Lower it down.
2. Ensure the surface is grippy
If your piggies find that the surface of the ramp isn’t so grippy they won’t use that. So, make sure that they can grip the surface. You can use the proper ramp cover for that.
3. Keep veggies close enough
If the veggies are far away from each other, guinea pigs can’t use them. So, ensure that they are close together. Spacing should be half an inch.
4. Check if the ramp is fixed
Guinea pigs can’t climb on moving ramps. So, make sure it doesn’t move when they climb. Also, ensure that the ramp can support their weight or I’ll shake.
5. Spread some hay on the ramps
Guinea pigs love hay more than anything and they stay a moment without it. So, spread the hay along the ramp. They will start using the ramp to eat their favorite hay.
6. Put favorite foods and stuff of your guinea pigs
Another good technique is to put their favorite stuff or treat on the ramp. First, start putting on the treat at the lower end of the ramp.
Then, gradually start putting that on the upper end or all over the ramp. You can also use their favorite foods such as pellets, salad, or vegetables. They will slowly use the ramp to get that.
7. Encourage your piggies to go down
To encourage your guinea pigs to get down, use the method that helps them to climb up. You can put your piggy on the top level and put their favorite foods or treat on the ramps to encourage them to get down.
Repeat these methods for a few days. Gradually, they will learn to use the ramps without your help.
Don’t leave the essential stuff, foods, and water on another level expecting that they will climb the ramp and take those from there.
It can be dangerous for their health because they won’t use the ramp until they learn how to use that properly.
Can guinea pigs go up and down ramps?
Guinea pigs can go up and down ramps when the ramp is fixed, strong, not so inclined, and has excellent grips. By using these kinds of ramps they can go up to the top levels of the cage and then go down to the ground floor quite easily.
Best ramps for guinea pig’s cage
Here is a list of the best ramps for guinea pigs.
1. Corrugated Plastic Cage Liner for DIY ramp
You can just get a coroplast sheet to make a custom-made ramp for the cage.
Learn more about how to use coroplast for guinea pig cage.
Out recommended product
Midlee Corrugated Plastic Cage Liner
2. Midwest Ramp Cover for Guinea Pig Habitat
If you plan to buy a guinea pig habitat cage, you should get this one.
Midlee Corrugated Plastic Cage Liner
3. Cagetopia’s Reinforced cage ramp
Is a ramp necessary for a guinea pig’s cage?
Unless you wish to create a new cage floor or install a cage separator, you don’t need to put a ramp on a guinea pig’s cage. Guinea pigs, on the other hand, require a large open space where they can freely wander. However, ramps are extensively used, and it’s difficult to find a cage without them. But, follow the proper method to build this type of cage.
Do guinea pigs like ramps?
Guinea pigs generally don’t like ramps because they are poor climbers and may be terrified of heights. If you utilize a decent ramp for them, they will quickly learn to use it and may even enjoy it.
Are ramps safe for guinea pigs?
Ramps are safe for your guinea pigs as long as they are flat and the surface allows them to grab the property while walking on it. However, because guinea pigs’ feet are so delicate, they will feel uncomfortable if they don’t have enough grip or if the ramp is made of hard or unsuitable materials.
If the ramps are excessively steep, unsteady, or not wide enough, Guinea pigs will not use them. However, if you build a long, wide ramp with a small incline and encourage them to utilize it, they will quickly learn to climb it. To make the ramp safer for your guinea pigs, cover it with a soft ramp cover, help them in getting the right grip, and build a wall around it.
If you want to build a multi-level cage and want your guinea pig to run through all the levels of the cage, you may plan to place a ramp. But, can guinea pigs use ramps?
Guinea pigs can walk on a ramp if they can get a grip on the surface and it isn’t too steep because they aren’t very excellent climbers. The ideal technique to help your guinea pigs get up and down is to use a low-inclined, sturdy ramp, especially if you’re building a two-level cage or want them to pass through the cage separator.
But, how to make a good ramp for your piggies, and what precautions you should take?
Let’s find it out.
Are ramps good for guinea pigs?

Steep ramps are dangerous for guinea pigs since their bodies are incapable of vertical movement or climbing. However, a properly constructed flat ramp will be suitable for guinea pigs. They appreciate revealing more portions of their enclosure with the help of a decent ramp. However, many guinea pigs are hesitant to use the ramp initially, but they get used to it over time.
When do guinea pigs need a ramp in the cage?
Here are the situations you may decide to put a ramp in your guinea pig’s cage.
In between cage separator
When a cage is separated by a partition for 2 or more guinea pigs, you may need to put a ramp over the partition. This helps the guinea pigs visit the neighbors.
For multi-level cage
You can build a floor in one corner of a guinea pig’s cage. In that case, a ramp is needed to allow your guinea pigs to go up to that floor.
If you build a stacked multi-story cage for multiple guinea pigs, a ramp may be needed. This will help them roam around all the levels.
Check out how to plan a multi-level guinea pig cage.
Having two guinea pigs
When you have two guinea pigs, you make have a cage with a partition or multi-level cage. Moreover, guinea pigs are social animals.
So, you need the ramp so that they can visit their friend when they want.
Also, check out the best cages for two guinea pigs.
For agility or as an obstacle course
You can use the ramp for your little pigs to use that for their agility or as an obstacle course.
Check out the obstacle course ideas.
Why won’t my guinea pig use the ramp?
Most guinea pigs don’t start using the ramps in the initial days as they can’t climb that much. Their anatomy of body and nature prevents them from using the ramps. Besides, if the ramps shake while walking or the veggies aren’t so close together and prevent the piggies from griping, they won’t use the ramp.
Here are the possible reasons for guinea pigs not using the ramps.
Too steep ramp
Guinea pigs can’t climb or jump more than 12 inches. So, they may become afraid of height or may not be interested in walking through a more inclined surface.
Veggies are far apart from each other
If you use a wooden ramp and veggies aren’t close together, guinea pigs can’t grip the surface.
Non-grippy surface
If you don’t use proper carpet or ramp cover on the surface of ramps, your guinea pigs won’t able to grip the surface because their feet are so soft.
Unstable ramps
If the ramp shakes when they walk, guinea pigs will be afraid. They need more steady footing.
How steep can a guinea pig ramp be?
The guinea pig cage ramp should be between 20 and 40 degrees steep. A more slanted ramp will not be used by Guinea pigs. As a result, ensure that you utilize a long ramp with a low angle so that they can use it without difficulty.
It’s natural for a modest inclined ramp to be lengthened to reach the top level if you use it.
How wide should a guinea pig ramp be?
Experts recommend making a ramp that is at least 14 inches long and 6 inches wide. If at all possible, build the ramp as wide as possible so that your guinea pigs can navigate it without difficulty. They won’t fall off the ramp because of it.
How do you put a ramp on the cage for guinea pigs?
Here is the step-by-step guide to building a ramp for a guinea pig’s cage.
1. Choose a good material for the ramps.
You have to use natural materials that are safe for your guinea pigs. You can make the main structure of the ramp with wood, plastic, or wire mesh that’s used to build the wall of the cage. Make sure the material is strong enough to withstand the weight of your guinea pigs.
You can have this coroplast sheet to make it.
The wooden ramp is used in a wooden cage. But, make sure it’s odorless.
You can also buy a ready-made ramp for the cage that’s easy to set up.
2. Do the measurements.
Measure the ramp properly. It should not be more than 24-40 degrees steep to help your guinea pigs use the ramp. Try to make it flat as much as possible.
If the height of the top level is 14 inches, the length of the ramps should be at least 26 inches. The ramp should be at least 14 inches wide.
3. Make the ramp and place it.
After all the measurements are completed, buy or make the ramp according to it and place it in the cage perfectly. If you are using similar c&c cage grids, use the lock to fix the ramp with the top level.
4. Create side skirting.
Use coroplast or something to make the wall for the ramp to prevent your little piggies from falling down or feeling secure while climbing the ramp.
5. Cover the surface of the ramp.
Use coroplast, soft cotton cloths, or a small towel to cover the ramp to help them walk without hurting their soft and sensitive feet. If you use mesh wire to build the ramp, you can let the grid open.
Covering up the ramp also helps them make a grip on the surface. Guinea pigs can’t access the ramp if it’s slippery. You can get a perfect ramp cover online.
6. Make ramps and surrounding structure smooth.
After everything is done check if there is any rough surface on the ramps. Cover it nicely or make it smooth.
If you use a door for the upper level, also check for the rough or metal edges of the door. Trim them and make the structure smooth.
How to make a DIY ramp for guinea pigs at home?
If you don’t want to put a premade ramp inside the guinea pig’s cage, you can make it on your own. To do that, you can use cardboard boxes, wire grids, PVC pine, or coroplast sheets.
Let’s find out how to make them
How to make a ramp with C&C cage grids?
To make a ramp out of C&C cage grids, you’ll need to cut the grids down to size and then use connectors and cable ties to attach them to the cage structure.
However, you need to ensure that it’s covered with soft and grippy stuff.
To make a ramp out of wire grids, you’ll have to do the followings.
You’ll need
- C&C cage grids
- Connectors
- Cable ties
- Wire-cutter or sharp knife
- A file
- Soft and grippy material like a towel
1. Place the wire grids on top of each other.
2. Cut the grids down to size with a wire cutter or sarp knife, if necessary.
3. Use connectors and cable ties to attach the grids together.
4. Use the file to smoothen the surface of the wire grid.
5. Put a towel over the ramp so that your guinea pig can grip it easily.
6. Place the ramp in your guinea pig’s cage and let them have fun!
How to make a ramp with coroplast sheets?
To make a ramp with coroplast sheets, you’ll have to do the followings.
You’ll need
- Coroplast sheets
- Tape
- Scissors
1) Cut the coroplast sheets into manageable pieces.
2) Tape the pieces together to form a ramp.
3) Place the ramp in your guinea pig’s cage.
4) You can also use the ramp to create an obstacle course for your guinea pig.
5) Just be sure to cover the ramp with a soft material like a towel so that your guinea pig can grip it properly.
How to make a ramp out of a cardboard box?
You can simply use a cardboard box to make a ramp for your little piggies.
You’ll need
-A cardboard box
1. Cut the top and bottom off of the cardboard box.
2. Cut one side of the box so that it forms a ramp.
3. Cover the ramp with tape or glue to make it more sturdy.
4. Place the ramp in your guinea pig’s cage.
5. You can also use the ramp to create an obstacle course for your guinea pig.
6. Just be sure to supervise them so that they don’t get stuck or hurt.
How to make a ramp with PVC pipes?
To make a ramp out of PVC pipes, glue or tape the pipes together so that they form a ramp.
You’ll need:
-PVC pipes
-Glue or tape
1. Cut the PVC pipes into pieces that will form the ramp.
2. Glue or tape the pieces together to form a ramp.
3. Cover the ramp with soft and grippy materials such as a towel.
How to make the ramp safe for guinea pigs?
To make the ramp safe for guinea pigs, you should take the following precautions.
Make sure the ramp is less inclined.
The angle between the ramp and the floor should be flat enough to encourage your guinea pigs to use it safely. They can fall down from a steep ramp and hurt themselves.
Ensure the ramp is wider enough.
If the ramp isn’t wide enough, your little piggies will fall down or will hesitate to use it. So, it should be wider enough.
The ramp must be steady.
If your guinea pigs find that the ramp moves or shakes while walking, they will be afraid and won’t use it in the future. So, be aware of it.
Build a wall or tunnel around the ramp.
The ramp should have a wall, railing, or tunnel on the side. This prevents the piggies from falling down.
The surface should not be irregular and rough.
Put ramp covers or soft cloths to make the surface smooth and comfortable for your guinea pigs, since their feet are so sensitive.
Furthermore, exposed mesh wire of the ramp can be harmful to them. The rough and hard surface can cause bumblefoot and other health issues.
Veggies shouldn’t be far away from each other.
If the ramp has veggies, you should ensure that they are close together. This can be a cause issue in the case of a wooden ramp though it’s not good.
Help to grip the surface.
Put a good cover on the ramp surface to allow your little piggies to make a proper grip.
Use natural material to build the ramp.
Choose natural or good materials that are safe for guinea pigs to build the ramp.
Smoothen any rough edge of the structure.
Sometimes, owners use a door on the top of the ramp. Make sure that you smoothen any sharp edges of the door to prevent them from hurting your little piggies.
Make sure the ramp doesn’t block the open space.
Guinea pigs need a lot of open space where air can flow freely. So, ensure that a ramp doesn’t block the space.
How do you get a guinea pig to use the ramp?
Now, you know your guinea pigs can use the ramps. But, they may not start doing it on their own. So, How to teach your guinea pig to use a ramp?
If you use a ramp that’s almost flat and encourage them to use the ramp by putting their hay or favorite stuff on the surface, they will start using the ramp.
Some piggies will learn it quickly and others will take time. But never force them to do that fast. This will stress them out and change their habits and mood.
Here are the ways how you get your guinea pig to go up a ramp.
1. Check if the steepness is low
As guinea pigs are bad climbers, find out if the angle between ramps and floor is high. Lower it down.
2. Ensure the surface is grippy
If your piggies find that the surface of the ramp isn’t so grippy they won’t use that. So, make sure that they can grip the surface. You can use the proper ramp cover for that.
3. Keep veggies close enough
If the veggies are far away from each other, guinea pigs can’t use them. So, ensure that they are close together. Spacing should be half an inch.
4. Check if the ramp is fixed
Guinea pigs can’t climb on moving ramps. So, make sure it doesn’t move when they climb. Also, ensure that the ramp can support their weight or I’ll shake.
5. Spread some hay on the ramps
Guinea pigs love hay more than anything and they stay a moment without it. So, spread the hay along the ramp. They will start using the ramp to eat their favorite hay.
6. Put favorite foods and stuff of your guinea pigs
Another good technique is to put their favorite stuff or treat on the ramp. First, start putting on the treat at the lower end of the ramp.
Then, gradually start putting that on the upper end or all over the ramp. You can also use their favorite foods such as pellets, salad, or vegetables. They will slowly use the ramp to get that.
7. Encourage your piggies to go down
To encourage your guinea pigs to get down, use the method that helps them to climb up. You can put your piggy on the top level and put their favorite foods or treat on the ramps to encourage them to get down.
Repeat these methods for a few days. Gradually, they will learn to use the ramps without your help.
Don’t leave the essential stuff, foods, and water on another level expecting that they will climb the ramp and take those from there.
It can be dangerous for their health because they won’t use the ramp until they learn how to use that properly.
Can guinea pigs go up and down ramps?
Guinea pigs can go up and down ramps when the ramp is fixed, strong, not so inclined, and has excellent grips. By using these kinds of ramps they can go up to the top levels of the cage and then go down to the ground floor quite easily.
Best ramps for guinea pig’s cage
Here is a list of the best ramps for guinea pigs.
1. Corrugated Plastic Cage Liner for DIY ramp
You can just get a coroplast sheet to make a custom-made ramp for the cage.
Learn more about how to use coroplast for guinea pig cage.
Out recommended product
Midlee Corrugated Plastic Cage Liner
2. Midwest Ramp Cover for Guinea Pig Habitat
If you plan to buy a guinea pig habitat cage, you should get this one.
Midlee Corrugated Plastic Cage Liner
3. Cagetopia’s Reinforced cage ramp
Is a ramp necessary for a guinea pig’s cage?
Unless you wish to create a new cage floor or install a cage separator, you don’t need to put a ramp on a guinea pig’s cage. Guinea pigs, on the other hand, require a large open space where they can freely wander. However, ramps are extensively used, and it’s difficult to find a cage without them. But, follow the proper method to build this type of cage.
Do guinea pigs like ramps?
Guinea pigs generally don’t like ramps because they are poor climbers and may be terrified of heights. If you utilize a decent ramp for them, they will quickly learn to use it and may even enjoy it.
Are ramps safe for guinea pigs?
Ramps are safe for your guinea pigs as long as they are flat and the surface allows them to grab the property while walking on it. However, because guinea pigs’ feet are so delicate, they will feel uncomfortable if they don’t have enough grip or if the ramp is made of hard or unsuitable materials.
If the ramps are excessively steep, unsteady, or not wide enough, Guinea pigs will not use them. However, if you build a long, wide ramp with a small incline and encourage them to utilize it, they will quickly learn to climb it. To make the ramp safer for your guinea pigs, cover it with a soft ramp cover, help them in getting the right grip, and build a wall around it.

I am Pallab Kishore, owner of Little Pets Realm. I share important tips, advice and answer all the queries to solve various problems about small pets such as guinea pigs and hamsters on this website.